Lunchtime Voyeur Orgies – 2
by Editor on August 12th, 2020
filed under Voyeur
She was flirting, and having fun doing so. She tossed her head back, her ponytail flipping around. He noticed. She turned to walk back to the kitchen, and she could feel his eyes on her ass. She eased a little more hip motion than usual into her walk.
Naomi’s mind wandered as she cut the young man a slice of apple pie. It had been a long time since her last orgasm. It had been by her own hand, of course, because that was always better for her. Her fantasies provided plenty of stimulation, and they had been very active lately. She thought back to how good Jolene’s legs had looked today, and how the blonde business-woman had smiled at her. It had seemed to Naomi that Jolene had been looking at her cleavage a lot today. She absently ran her fingers over her buttons on her blouse as she remembered those blue eyes and their lingering glances at her womanly form. She was glad Jolene had noticed. Her new push-up bra did help bring her already attractive breasts to full-attention. She herself had admired the effect as she was dressing earlier.
At the same time, she was thinking about the stranger. The young man was definitely what girls more his own age would call, “a hottie.” Naomi had not been with a man that much younger since she herself had been a young woman. She could only imagine the stamina of his youth meeting the passion of her experience She sighed loudly.

Her own sigh grabbed her attention, and Naomi realized that she better get back with the pie.
“Thanks Naomi,” the young man said as she placed it in front of him.
She was startled. How did he know her name?
He saw the look in her face, and pointed to her left breast. Shocked, Naomi looked down, wondering if she was hanging out too much. She sighed softly when she realized he was pointing at her nametag.
“I really do like dessert,” the young customer said, his eyes shifting over to her right breast, where it was certainly no name tag he was examining.
“Do you now?” Naomi asked, cocking her hip to one side. She was pleased to see his eyes respond by appropriately tracing her curves.
“Oh yes,” he continued, “My friends tell me I’m a picky eater.” His gaze met hers, and, he was smiling from his perfect mouth to his glittering, hazel eyes, and one dimple in his adorable left cheek.
“Picky, huh?” Naomi broke the eye-contact, just long enough to further inspect his physique before returning, to see that his own eyes were caressing every inch of her exposed skin. She shivered.
“I only like the good, sweet stuff,” he further explained, his sultry examination pausing at her lap area, before rising to rest on her enhanced cleavage
“I bet your mother taught you better than that,” Naomi returned, blushing a bit as she subconsciously inhaled to lift her breasts to prominence.
“Keep my mom out of our sex talk,” he laughed.
Naomi couldn’t help but laugh right along with him. This guy was a charmer. Not subtle, but a charmer.
“So what happens after the lunch crowd?” he asked.
What was he implying? “I go home and eat bonbons,” she replied glibly.